Phillip Hess ....... Biography

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Phillip Hess
"When We Train Our Horses, the First Thing That We Care About is that the Horses are Always Happy to Go Back to Work After Yesterday's Training Session."...Phillip Hess.

Phillip Hess<br> 
Ursula Gafner<br>
15 yrs. old Gelding<br>
Training: GP<br>
Owner: Philip Hess<br>
Duration: 26 minutes

Phillip Hess
Ursula Gafner
15 yrs. old Gelding
Training: GP
Owner: Philip Hess
Duration: 26 minutes

VID: 7282012

Phillip Hess<br> 
Riding & Lecturing<br>
Elly McBeil<br>
16 yrs. old Mare<br>
Training: GP<br>
Owner: Marion Loew<br>
Duration: 29 minutes

Phillip Hess
Riding & Lecturing
Elly McBeil
16 yrs. old Mare
Training: GP
Owner: Marion Loew
Duration: 29 minutes

VID: 7292012